Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Can of Tuna

I enjoy cooking and being a Malaysian it goes without saying I love to eat yummy food as well....
But living far away from Malaysia, I hv no choice but to improvise, These are my recipes..
Tuna fry
I onion chopped
small piece of ginger chopped
3 green chillies chopped
1 can of tuna in oil
Heat a pan, add a tbl spn oil and fry the ginger, green chilli and onion for 2 mints(don't cook longer)add the whole thingy from the can, including the oil.. The water in the oil will splutter for a few mints.. Ignore tht. Keep stirring and flaking the tuna to tiny pieces. After abt 12 mints add freshly ground black pepper..(preferably the one from Sarawak!!!).. Tuna fry is done.. Can serve with rice

1 comment:

Scoot said...

i love tuna but we don't get the cans here in mangalore...any idea if we get fresh tuna fish in the fish market?if so,what do we call it?